May 8, 2020

6 Ways to Get Health Insurance When You’re Unemployed

Many people are losing their coverage when they lose their jobs, but they may have several health insurance options.

By Kimberly Lankford, Contributor May 8, 2020, at 2:14 p.m.

Originally posted here.

AS MILLIONS OF PEOPLE lose their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic, they’re also losing their health insurance – at exactly the time when they may need the coverage to help pay for care if they end up getting sick. If you lose your health insurance when you lose your job – or if you didn’t have health insurance and are rethinking that decision – you may have several options for finding coverage now. But you need to understand the rules and time frames – and some special programs will be expiring soon. Here are six health insurance options, which depend on your income, your state and whether you had coverage recently.

  • Continue your employer’s coverage through COBRA.
  • Sign up for coverage through your state’s insurance marketplace.
  • You may be able to get an individual policy even if you didn’t have employer coverage.
  • Join your spouse’s plan.
  • Sign up for Medicaid.
  • Sign up for Medicare if you’re 65 or older.